How To Stay Safe Online
Over the past few years, financial losses due to malware, hacking and online scams have been measured in billions per annum. It is astonishing how people still do not put their internet security on top priority. This even at an age when we are buying something as small as a toothbrush to as expensive like an air condition online. We are paying several of our bills via online bank transfers too. At Norton customer service , we still encounter people who do not feel investing in an antivirus is their top priority. Wrong mindsets can leave you vulnerable A lot of this mindset has to do with the fact that we believe ourselves to be too small and insignificant to be of any interest to cybercriminals. We believe them to be a band of intelligent, high end (if you may) criminals who are after looting big corporations. While we are right in guessing that they are an intelligent lot, a general person does not understand the world of cybercrime. The big corporations are educated on ...